#V3 Testnet Feedback# good job

Just after I tested the Dex and mint NFT functions…in my opinion it is very cool and efficient…

In the process of use, its handling fee is very low and the speed is also very fast, similar to other dex functions. Several reasonable transactions were conducted and no problems were found. The synchronized time is acceptable.
The purchase of NFT is not satisfied, because I want to buy a cheap NFT, and there is no suitable option for me to make a decision, so I used the page turning function, which is very troublesome, and I hope to add a reasonable sorting function. NFT’s tag function allows users to discover their needs faster.

My suggestion is to make the V3 testnet more developed and advanced to support zks and various better functions in order to attract more fans for it

In the future, I hope it can be better in V3. For all the teams that made this V3, we thank the best…
To be honest, I have been waiting for ZKSwap to help us enter and simplify the zkRoll-up world!
good luck…