#V3 testnet #feedback The best V3

Starting from the Zks group telegram I found a forum about this V3 testnet…

You know I’m a new user in this zkswap group, so I don’t really know much about this V3 testnet, first I was confused about how to enter to try this V3 testnet, thanks to the group admin’s help, I was finally able to do this test, starting from logging in using the Metamask wallet, until I entered the transaction in this V3, first for the swap that I did using the faucet claim balance, it was very smooth and easy because I’m used to doing swaps like in a trust wallet, but in this V3 through Metamask I think it’s better and easier, than swap very easy trade and swap pool. Now for the NFT transaction, I’m confused again, I asked the group admin again, how to make NFT, how to sell to how to buy, all of that really confused me, because I’m a new user, but finally I was able to print NFT for me to sell at a cheap price, and finally it was sold, after that I tried to buy the NFT I chose the cheapest, and finally I was able to buy it with a very easy payment…my experience using V3 was very smooth and easy after being directed by the admin everything went smoothly, thank you admin :pray::pray: zkswap …my opinion for this testnet is very interesting, anyway good.

my advice…! → for new users like me, don’t hesitate to ask the group admin, what the problem will definitely be helped well… I hope that when the actual V3 launch will be better than this testnet… :+1::+1::+1::+1: :heart:Good luck for V3.

wallet L2: