#V3 Testnet zks #feedback amazing v3

yesterday I just tried using the Zkswap v3 testnet and in my opinion when I finished depositing my faucet to l2 v3 testnet it took quite a long time maybe because of the density of testnet users or the system I don’t know but it really bothered me to try using v3 testnet, but what I like about v3 is that it maintains its vision and mission which focuses on saving gas costs between zks users and ease of trade and security which I admit is quite high in security, this team is a strong team with the best project in early 2021 this year . compared to the previous initial version (v2) I admit that v3 is much more modern because there is an nft market in it but it would be nice if this v3 design/graphics was the same as v2 because in v2 the design looks very comfortable and simple when used in my experience private so that it can help users trade easily.oh yeah for the nft market after yesterday I tried, maybe what needs to be considered is the delivery time between nft can be accelerated because after trying to send nft yesterday, you have to wait quite a long time to get to the recipient’s wallet, maybe that’s enough in my opinion what still needs to be fixed for this v3

l2 : 0x743D0864cEdAc66402Eb48E0d352B36f87d55638