#V3 Testnet Feedback# by wko

hi,i am wko
I am very happy to participate in the test of zkswap V3 and put forward several suggestions for the test:

  1. The NFT creation interface is too monotonous. The theme is black-and-white. It doesn’t match the trend of NFT.

  2. When I enter the app, because the network set by my little fox is the ETH main network, I am prompted to switch the network to the rinkeby test network. Can I add a swich button here? After the official launch, you can automatically switch to the ETH network, because it is in the multi chain state. Sometimes, for example, I am a BSc network. If only you could have the one click switching function. I think many swap have this function.

  3. After using the little fox link to zkswap, unlock again. Can you achieve one step here?, I have to click twice with the mouse. I’m so tired.

  4. Can ZKS use ZKS local currency or usdt as gas like biconmy? When I recharge gas on the second floor, I wait too long, although this is not the problem of zkswap. If this function can be improved, it will be even longer

  5. The NFT overview Kanban page is a little monotonous. The numbers are black and white, and the background color is white. Can you add a color function? In addition, the Kanban can add a heat logo, and the popular NFT can get the front display position

my eth:0x93324cf969699BD77E8C4133F797c23f62C8517c
