#V3 Testnet Feedback# feedback testnet

My l2: 0x8743eb4cee2dddcb8d78c8ee94c3f101171a49af
I was very happy when ZKSwap launched the Testnet V3 program, I saw the news from Twitter and I immediately tried it.
There I tried dex swap and entered the Liquidity Pool, everything went smoothly even though when we tried Swap the liquid was still small but it doesn’t matter because of this still in the experimental stage, don’t forget at ZKSwap V3 they launched the NFT market and we can mint NFT and sell it with your creative images at a low cost because we use it on Layer 2.
In the process of using it, I tested it for the first time because there were not many ZKS and USDT in it, so I wanted to find a commodity with a suitable price, and then in the process of going through time, the price of the commodity was much higher than mine. Assets, the experience of the whole selection process is not very good, the whole product takes up a lot of my time in choosing the product, and the selection process is inefficient. If I say that, if I can quickly narrow the price range of my products through the browser in the process of choosing my price, I may reach it in my heart. In a limited range, choose the most suitable products, the whole shopping process is equally efficient and fast, and it does not feel that it takes too much time. Then you can quickly choose your favorite products in this way.