#v3 testnet #feedback so amazing v3

Hi all zkswap users, here I am doing testnet v3 to share my experience using testnet in V3, and I want to share my experience when following the instructions from the ZKSwap V3 testnet testnet this time with the feedback I want to say. I’m stuck in depositing testnet tokens in my L2 wallet section,

it’s been pretty smooth, there are no problems at all, the transaction is easy and satisfying in my opinion, and I tried to withdraw my deposit as well as smooth as the deposit was very smooth and good, perfect according to me, after that I tried to swap using my zks and usdt tokens, which I got from this testnet, it’s not bad in my opinion, the transaction is very easy and easy for me, so I can easily find tokens, or any coins I want to exchange ,(amazing). The test token is already in L2. After that testing about NFT, So I tried to print nft and it didn’t work, very difficult in my opinion, it said I need to deposit again. So I again deposited the testnet token in my L2 section. The options are deposit from L1 account and deposit from L2 account. From L1 account there are 0 tokens available but in l2 in my eth add there are. So I thought there was no need to do this step because the token is already in L2 so I just tried to swap my usdt test token in the swap section to eth and when I try to print nft it just works, just fine, by minting it first for the NFT that wants I printed it, and I will sell it. after that I tried to sell my NFT at the cheapest price, and finally it sold quickly and the transaction was also very easy for me, meanwhile I did a NFT purchase testnet, it was very difficult for me to find cheap NFT tokens for me to buy ,because many have given a high price benchmark for their NFT, after a few days I just found an NFT that I can afford here, after I bought it and the process is also very easy and fast, no need to wait a long time for the process to be successful.,I’m sure the next testnet this is already good for this V3. My advice, hopefully later on in Mainet V3 it will be even better, and perfect, smoother, faster too of course … we all hope for zkswap v3, :heart::+1: we all including myself like it, testnet this time (maybe), and hopefully in the future zkswap will continue to produce the best work, for all of us kryoto users. congratulations, for the zkswap team who have created this zkswap v3, hopefully it will be the best the results of your work are extraordinary and successful for V3. my wallet, 0x746BAf5C5F79476039ac2aba2050c95D58769f96