My opinion and expect #V3 Testnet feedback#

Hello Everyone,
After a long time i finally able to test testnet. It was a great experience. Now i will share my opinion about it and share some bugs that i faced when trying to us testnet.

  1. The Ui is so good. It is lighter than V2. So it is easy to use and understandable to everyone. Any new user will love it. I fall in love with it.

  2. There are some bugs on wallet option. It show incorrect value of some coin. I Don’t understand why team made this mistake. Why didn’t they solve the problem. It is very irritating. Hope this problem will solve.

  3. I didn’t Find any Filters option on nft marketplace. I don’t understand why team didn’t add this compulsory option. It very part and parcel of any marketplace. Most of investors are busy people so if they need to find 1-2h for just finding nft on marketplace they will be not use the platform any more.

  4. I didn’t find any Bid option. You launch a nft marketplace and there are no option to bid? Seriously? Every artist have rights to put their artwork on auction. Auction is the best option for nft. Because this is the only way to know nfts original value.

  5. Sometimes i’m facing connect my wallet. It is very irritating. Hope wallet connect problem will be solved.

Address : 0x3c16D588052F9137e560822D40Cdd3E3920Ec74c