#V3 Testnet Feedback# ideas, feedback by cryptomoon (cryptoscurr)

Hi, I am an active user of various crypto chains (Eth, Polygon, Avalanche, Optimism etc.) - mainly using dApps (lending, DEX, betting…) but also I have also fews NFTs on Opensea. From roll ups I used only ZkSync and today was my first interaction with ZKswap. So I went through the whole process from the beginning.

  1. Deposit money (+ faucet) from l1 to l2 Rinkeby - I don’t know if there was a UI error but without updating the page I didn’t see that money was credited to l2 wallet + price of ETH was not right in recalculation to USD (I deposited 1 eth and it was carculated as ± 90 USD).

  2. NFT - I tried all available options on the ZKswap = mint, buy, sell.

Mint NFT = everything worked well, simple, clear. My opinion: try also to add field “collection” NFT inside which we could to add already existings NFTs (from creator).

Buy NFT = I miss the “filters”, I didn’t put that much money into l2 and it took me a long time to find the NFT at an affordable price. It would also be good to insert filters for purchases in ETH, USDT, USDC (or convert all this to USDT, for example) + also “bid” function or search “collections”.

After purchase “NFT purchase submitted, Please view transactions.” I think it would be better if instead of this description it would directly move the user to his NFT profile (where he will see the purchased NFT).

Sell ​​NFT = After a few minutes, the amount was credited back to the wallet, so everything OK

I like the section on NFT in Explorer (ZKSpace Explorer), statistics could also be expressed in the form of a graph for better clarity.

I look forward to using NFTs on the roll ups. Gas fees on l1 are really crazy.

my wallet address: 0x6f226269635978130Cc9De17a61a2FE0915c60FB