#V3 Testnet #Feedback swallow entry problem

After I tried to try this V3 … at first I was very confused, how to enter this V3, using the Metamask wallet … at first I couldn’t, maybe because I haven’t changed the network to (Rinkebi) =>

but after I changed it I was able to enter, only there were still many problems, confused about how to make Mint dress NFT…then how to claim the faucet…what I just understood was swapping between coins on the etherium network… but after I understood ,

it turned out to be pretty good in my opinion in V3…which made me feel easy to do various kinds of transactions…from swap transactions…transactions to buy NFT, and transactions how to sell our NFT…very good… :+1::heart:Love V3…for V3 users if you are still confused, how to use it can be asked directly to the zks admin…thank you zkswap admin for making this V3… I hope that later the shortcomings in V3 can be added, so that zkswap V3 will be even better than the previous V2…we wish you success…zkswap always on the day :+1::heart::heart::heart::heart:
